Thursday, April 19, 2018

Brenda and I are transitioning from being pop people to being seltzer people.

Man, that seems to be the thing.

It's like our generation's shag carpeting.

I realized that sometimes I just want a fizzy drink.

And I can go for a seltzer or an artifically sweetened pop.

When I was over at Taylor Teagarden's apartment last month I asked him what the hell he was doing with all this Canada Dry seltzer.

He told me it's so he doesn't drink a beer.

Man I have not had much beer in a while.

Neither has he!

Man, we have a stash of LaCroix and Coke at work.

And I've been dipping into the LaCroix every time.


We had a coupon for Geagle seltzer.

The Lemon Lime is good.

Mandarin Orange was okay.

I think I'm going to hold out as long as I can from buying it myself.

I'll drink other people's.

But I think I stand to save some money by just drinking regular old water.

