Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I called the NPR pledge drive to haggle with them!

Oh man.

I asked if they had any mugs left.

They said yes.

I told them that $120 was a bit steep of an asking price for a mug, and that considering their 6pm deadline, maybe I could get one for $40.

$120 is insane for a mug.

It was clear the volunteer didn't know what to do, and I could tell that this person definitely didn't have it coming to her, so I took the opportunity to be transferred to a voicemail.

I expect the membership coordinator to call me at work tomorrow morning.

If for nothing else then to tell me they're not giving me a surplus mug.


This is garbage time right now in their pledge drive.

They need me more than I need a mug.

Leverage, baby: it's what I got!
